
First Author: Matt

Net Play


3 types of Net Play:


1. Net Shot: arching shot played from the net area back to your opponents net area[1]

Objective: force your opponent to hit a weak lift or hit shots that do not clear the net 

Tips for executing an effective net shot:



Hairpin Net Shot : A net shot played when the shuttle has fallen close to the ground

Objective: Same as a regular net shot

Tips for executing an effective hairpin net shot:





2. Net Kill: played when opponent has hit a loose shot over the net providing an opening to strike the shuttle down from net area

Objective: strike the shuttle quickly downard to your opponents net area

Tips for executing an effective net kill: 




3. Net Lift: underarm clear played from the net area

Objective: move opponent to the back court or create more time for yourself

Tips for executing an effective net shot:



Net Shot Angles:


Straight Net Shots :

-Play this shot the most

-Leaves you well-positioned to cover opponents return

-Can use spin

-Tighter than cross-court shot


Cross-Court Net Shots:

-Riskier than straight net shot

-Not in position to cover an opponents straight net shot return esp. a smash

-Only positive is the element of surprise[2]

