First Author: Mike
"The most powerful stroke in badminton is the smash; this high speed shot is hit steeply downwards in response to overhead high shuttles into the opponents' mid court." The downward angle and the degree of steepness of the shuttle's trajectory coupled with exhilarating speed is what makes it hard for the opponent to return. The maximum speed of a smashed shuttlecock exceeds that of any other racket sport. In mens doubles an astounding 206mph world record was set on June 3, 2005 and the fastest smash recorded in singles competition is 189 mph.
There are 3 basic forms: the jumping smash, the forehand smash, and the backhand smash.
Forehand Smash
The forehand overhead smash is most prevalent and easy to perform of the basic smash triad. Its action path is similar to that of throwing an overhanded ball.
Steps to the forehand smash
· forehand grip
· turn body and stand sideways to the net with your non-racket shoulder racing net
· shift weight on to the rear foot
· bend your elbow and lock your wrist preparing to swing forward
· on swing contact the shuttle as high as possible in front of your body using a strong throwing motion.
· Straighten elbow as the shuttle is struck and in the same motion snap your wrist downward giving the shuttle that extra power and steep angle
· follow through with your racket; at the same time shift your weight forward from the rear foot to the front foot
Backhand Smash
The most difficult to perform. So much so that even experienced players have problems with this stroke.
Steps to the backhand smash
· use backhand grip
· turn body so that your back is facing the net
· lead and shift your weight to your racket foot
· lift arm from the shoulder with the forearm parallel to the floor
· hold the racket across your body with the racket head pointing down
· keep the racket arm and elbow close into your body
· hit the shuttle at a hight point of contact and in front of your body
· flick your wrist down powerfully at the shuttle
· follow through is not needed
Jumping smashing
Is very similar to the forehand smash but with and added speed jump to assist in power and exact an even steeper downward angle.
Step to the jumping smash
· forehand grip
· line up body with shuttle trajectory with a burst of speed
· in a jumping motion hit shuttle a high point and in front of your body
· just before shuttle contact flick wrist in downward motion
· following through with racket and jumping action
Smashing strategy Defensive/offensive
Choosing a smash stroke depends on the position of the shuttle and the receiving player, an attacker has much better options when they can reach the shuttle well above net height, especially if its close to the net. It is a common strategy to net shot the shuttle, often forcing the opponent to lift the shuttle, giving way to an excellent opportunity to rebut with a brilliant smash, and when the net shot is tight and tumbling, the opponents lift will not reach the back court, making a subsequent smash play even harder to return. High shuttles in the mid-court are also usually met by a powerful smash; an attacker could even extend this smashing opportunity a step further and go with an athletic jump smash. Although, this type of flair is more prevalent in doubles than singles because players are rarely n the ideal position to execute a smash, and it tends to leave the smasher vulnerable if the smash is returned.
When defending against a smash players have three basic options: lift, block, or drive. In singles a block to the net is the most common reply and the lift is the safest option in doubles but it can allow the opponent to continue smashing; blocks and drives are counter-attacking strokes. Often an offensive strategy often in defending are drives and pushes played from mid-court or forecourt, this type strategy attempts to regain the attacking advantage. Many players also tend to use a backhand hitting action for returning smashes on both the forehand and backhand sides, because backhands are more effective than forehands at covering smashes directed to the body.
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Helena Baert said
at 5:11 pm on Feb 13, 2009
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