The Beauty that is Badminton


The Beauty that is Badminton

By: Blake Howard

Badminton is an incredible sport for many reasons. Among the numerous reasons this is so true, I will discuss the ones that I believe are the most significant for people who are not completely familiar with this amazing sport. First off, it is a sport that can be played by children and adults alike. Secondly, as a beginner, you do not have to have extraordinary athletic talents or ability to enjoy playing badminton. Thirdly, as you begin to develop intermediate badminton skill, you will find that this mostly eastern sport is a great cardio workout. Lastly, I want to emphasize the intelligence of badminton strategy and the beauty of those who master it.

When I first came to the University of Arkansas in the fall of 2005, I knew of badminton only as a backyard family activity rather than the wonderful sport it truly is. Growing up, I had only played badminton occasionally with family in my backyard. However, this should tell you something very important about badminton. It transcends age and physical ability. Barring advanced competition, the sport of badminton allows people of all ages and ability to join in the joy of batting the birdie to and fro.

It was that fateful fall of 2005, that I began discovering badminton at the HPER facility on campus. It was a Friday night and I was avoiding typical bad college behavior when I stumbled across a basketball court that had been converted into four badminton courts. People were playing badminton. As I watched, I noticed something unusual. People were not just playing badminton; they were playing badminton strategically and with a competitive grace that was so stunning enough to spark my immediate attention.  

As I began playing on the weekends, I soon realized that superior physical abilities and/or youth would not grant victory without proper strategy and form. However, even though I was only a beginner I was able to gain enjoyment from playing badminton. I knew that this game would be a lifelong sport for me, as well as anyone else who enjoys it.

Furthermore, badminton is a thinking person’s game. Every move a player makes is important. Proper grip, footwork, shot-selection, and net play are the basis for growing as a badminton player. Also, a skilled player must be keen not only to his opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, but also to his or her own abilities. An important aspect of advanced badminton play is timing. Knowing not only how, but also when to strike the birdie can decide the outcome of a match. Moreover, timing all movements during a badminton match is crucial to attaining victory.

All in all, badminton is an amazing sport that challenges not only the bodies, but also the minds of its players. Nonetheless, there is a finesse to be acknowledged in this game. The brilliance of watching a group of advanced players face-off is an indelible experience. The graceful flow of speed and power is simply artistic. When all of the skills of a well-practiced player come together there is a dance to be witnessed during a match. The balance and footwork combined with strength and finesse bring beauty to the badminton court. These are the reasons I enjoy badminton and you should as well.



Here are some links to some great badminton videos, which showcase what I have discussed.  (Great doubles rally!)  (Another great rally!) (Various great clips!) (Great singles games!)