
The perfect game

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Writer 1: Kyle Todd

Writer 2: Justin Wright

Writer 1: Kyle Todd

What is a "perfect game"?


     In bowling, the magical "perfect game" consists of scoring 300.  There's only one way to achieve this feat: bowl a strike in each frame.  Yep, that's 120 pins that stand in the way of each bowler on the path leading to a pinnacle of bowling greatness.[1]


How often does it happen?


     Believe it or not, the perfect game happens more often than you'd think.  


-Ernest Fosburg was the first to bowl a 300 game in a game sanctioned by the American Bowling Congress in 1902.  And, in 1930, Jenny Haverson Kelleher became the very first woman to rack up a 300 in a ABC game. 


-But, since the 1980's, bowling has seen a large number of perfect games in both recreational and professional bowling circles. This is in large part thanks to the technological advances in bowling like lane conditioning, better-made bowling balls, and more reactive pins. 


-Some bowlers have actually been able to link together their 300 games, accomplishing the "perfect series" of bowling three 300 games in a row, or a perfect series score of 900. Though there's no telling when the first 900 series was, several were documented in the 1930's, though not in sanctioned matches.[2]


  • Jeremy Sonnenfeld was the first lucky gentleman to roll a perfect 900 series in a sanctioned game in February of 1997. Since then, four other approved 900 series have occured in bowling history.[3]


A Few Fun 300 game trivia facts


  • Ken Shaw has thrown five perfect games.  Though not a particularly great feat in modern bowling, it should be mentioned that Ken is left handed, but has only thrown three of the five perfect games with his dominant hand.  That's right, he's thrown two with his right hand.[4]
  • Dale Davis was also able to score a perfect game despite being legally blind.[5]
  • Paul Fluche has two 300 games under his belt. And, as a physically challenged bowler, it's a belt he has to tighten with only one arm.[6]

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Writer 2: Justin Wright


Bowling the Perfect Game 

     Bowling a perfect game takes "practice, patience, and luck."[7] A perfect game is the best score possible in a game of bowling, achieved by rolling a strike in every frame. In Ten-pin bowling, the highest possible score is 300, achieved by bowling 12 strikes in a single game. Since a strike counts as ten points plus the next two balls, 30 points are possible in a each frame. Since a strike is worth 15 points In Five-pin bowling, the highest possible score is 450.[8]


 Nowadays, perfect games are very commonplace. In the past, they were very difficult to achieve. But with new technology in ten-pin bowling it has become an easier feat to accomplish. These technological changes include the use of more synthetic bowling pins, improved lane conditions that make room for error and bowling balls with modern "reactive" cover stocks that allow greater hooking action.[9]

Some Historic Bowlers

     Professional bowler Parker Bohn III has rolled 79 perfect games in PBA competition during his 20-plus years on the PBA tour.[10]  Grazio Castellano, a current member of the United States Bowling Congress, was the first to roll a 300 game on live television on October 4, 1953 during an Eastern All-Star league session at Newark, New Jersey.[11] Ritsuko Nakayama of the Japan Professional Bowling Association became the first female to score a perfect game on national television in Japan on August 21, 1970.[12]



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 How to Bowl a Perfect Game[13]


1.     Choose the right ball that you are comfortable with.

2.     Study the science of the game: the proper spin and force.

3.     Watch the pro’s bowl: study their technique and posture.

4.     Practice as often as you can.

5.     Videotape yourself bowling if it’s possible: review the tape for any mistakes.

6.     Focus each time you throw the ball.





  1. http://www.pba.com/resources/basics/bowling101.asp
  2. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCK/is_3_19/ai_76549168/
  3. http://www.bowlingball.com/info/trivia1.php
  4. http://www.bowlingball.com/info/trivia1.php
  5. http://blogs.usatoday.com/gameon/2008/05/blind-bowler-ro.html
  6. http://www.bowlingball.com/info/trivia1.php
  7. http://www.bowlingball.com/info/bowling_a_perfect_game
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_game_%28bowling%29
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_game_%28bowling%29
  10. http://www.pba.com/players/singlebio03.asp?ID=2771
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_game_%28bowling%29#cite_note-1
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLSZWvaNV5E
  13. http://www.ehow.com/how_2112701_bowl-perfect-game

Comments (1)

jcwright@uark.edu said

at 11:52 pm on Sep 26, 2009

Hey kyle, I can't figure out how to do the footnotes like you did. Can you help me out?

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