
Top 10 Bowling Websites

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Writer 1: Geneva Quinn

Writer 2: Aaron Fenton



PBA Website


PBA.com is one of the top 10 bowling websites because this is the home the the Professional Bowlers Association. This website can keep you up to date with all the bowling news, tournament updates, and professional bowler bios. There is a forum where you can exchange information with professional bowlers and get tips and ideas from other bowlers. There is also a fan shop where you can purchase any of your favorite bowlers merchandise.




Bowling Hall Of Fame


Bowlingmuseum.com is the home of the International Bowling Hall of Fame! Here you can see all the members of the Bowling Hall of Fame and read bios about the best bowlers of all times. Additionally, this informitive website gives you some background information on the history of bowling.






USBC Website


Bowl.com is the official site of United States Bowling Congress. This website contains vast amounts of information related to bowling in the United States. It covers youth and professional bowling and the news tends to target non-professional bowling unlike the PBA.com website.




Bowling Ball Review


This site allows anyone interested in purchasing a bowling ball to read reviews on a bowling ball before they buy it. It has information on all balls, sorted by manufacturers, so it is easy to find a review on a ball you are looking for. It also is a good place to research different kinds of bowling balls if you are interested in buying one so you get a ball that works best with your style of bowling.




Bowling Tips 


This is the official site of Ron Clifton, a nationally respected bowling coach. Here you can read on some of his bowling tips, and see when he is offering clinics at a bowling alley near you!




Bowling Equipment


This site allows individuals to buy equipment online.  Anything someone would need in order to bowl is available on this site.  This is the foremost site for purchasing bowling supplies on the web today.  They have the newest bowling balls and guarantee them with a full warranty.




Bowling History


This site discusses the history of bowling.  Evidence of bowling go as far back as the Stone Age.  This site explains the various strides bowling has taken since the first game was played.   



Bowling Variations


Bowling can be played in several different ways.  Ten-Pin bowling is the classic way of bowling, but on this site there are several variations.  This site also explains briefly how each one is played.  This site also has links to various tips, for example "how to dress for a bowling date".  For a beginner bowler, this site is helpful in explaining the different types of bowling and how to do them.



Candlepin Bowling


Candlepin bowling is a variation of bowling that is very popular across many countries.  This website is the official site of the International Candlepin Bowling Association.  It explains the history of candlepin and the rules of the game as well as helps find a candlepin bowling center nearest you. 



Bowling Tips and Techniques


The Bowling Coach has every tip from what ball to use for your approach to lane conditions to the follow-through.   Bowling Coach is an essential tool in a beginner bowler's game.  It will help explain the steps of the game, the scoring, and even the way to hook the bowling ball in the direction necessary to achieve your best score.


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